CHEN Jinxi
Tel: 86-10-62784519

Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University


[Research Field]

China’s Local Urban Space Typology and Elements

Urban Design Theory and Practice

Teaching of Architectural Design Basics


[Professional Experience]

Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua Univ., since 2018.10

Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Tsinghua Univ., 2014.05~2018.11

Postdoc, Chair of History of Urban Design, GTA, Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2011.12~2013.06

Visiting Assistant in Research, School of Architecture, Yale University. U.S.A., 2008.10~2009.06


[Academic Association]

Youth Member of Urban Design Academic Board, Urban Planning Society of China, since 2021.12

Member of the Editorial Board, the “Urban Design” Journal, since 2014.03

Guest Editor, the “EL Croquis” Chinese Version, 2015.08~2016.03

Columnist of the Urban Architecture, the “China Reading Weekly” Newspaper, 2011.06~2013.12


[Education Background]

Ph.D of Architecture in Engineering, School of Architecture, Tsinghua Univ., 2005.09~2011.01

Master of Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua Univ., 2003.09~2005.07

Bachelor of Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua Univ., 1999.09~2004.07



Director of the First-year Architectural Design Studio, since 2017

Introduction to Urban Design Elements, since 2020

Introduction to Urban Design, since 2022

Design Studio (the Fifth Year), since 2019

Graduate Thesis, since 2019

Architectural Design Basics (1.1), since 2013

Architectural Design Basics (1.2), since 2013

Architectural Design Basics (1.3), since 2013

Architectural Design Basics (1.4), since 2013



1) “Excellent Young Faculty Teaching Award”, Tsinghua Univ., 2019.09

2) “Excellent Teaching Award of the Year”, Tsinghua Univ., 2017.09

3) “Excellent Tutor” for supervising student’s work winning the “China Newer Award 2019”(“Among the Trees”, First-Year Design Studio Work), 2019.08

4) “Excellent Tutor” for supervising student’s work winning the “China Newer Award 2020”(“House of Three Generations”, First-Year Design Studio Work), 2020.08

5) “Second Prize of Excellent Class Tutor”, Tsinghua Univ., 2017.08

6) Team Member of the Research Project--Space for Minorities in the City of Beijing, “3rd Prize of the Beijing Science and Technology Award” (Team Award), 2014.03

7) Second Prize, the UIA “Urban Celebration” International Design Competition(China Division), International Union of Architects(UIA), 2004.10


[Research Projects]

1) Principal Investigator, Research on the Typology and Elements of the Contemporary Beijing Urban Street, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2018.01.01~ 2020.12.31

2) Team Member, Consultant as University Partner of Municipal Planners of Haidian District Beijing, Haidian Branch of Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources, In Progress

3) Team Member, The General City Design of Major Areas of the City of Chongli, 2017.08~ 2018.08

4) Team Member, Urban Design of Important Sections of the City of Chongli, 2018.03~2019.03

5) Team Member, Study on Urban Design of Principle Areas of the City of Chongli, 2018.03~2019.03

6) Principal Investigator, Research on the Elements of the Local Urban Streets in Beijing, funded by the Beijing Future Urban Design Centre, 2016.10~2019.09

7) Research Member, Eine wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Untersuchung städtebaulicher Manuale in der Gründungsphase der Disziplin Städtebau (1875-1930), The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), 2015.01~2016.12

8) Principal Investigator, Textbook of the Introduction to Urban design Elements, In Progress

9) Principal Investigator, Teaching of the Introduction to Urban Design Course integrated with practices, In Progress

10) Principal Investigator, Research on the First Year Architectural Design Basics Based on the Theory of Embodied Cognition, 2019.01~2020.12

11) Principal Investigator, Model-making based Space Recognition during the Teaching of the First-year Architectural Design Basics, 2018.01~2019.12

12) Principal Investigator, Study on the Contemporary Teaching of the First-year Architectural Design Basics, 2017.01~2018.12

13) Principal Investigator, Improvements of the Teaching Method of the First-year Architectural Design Studio of Tsinghua School of Architecture, 2016.07~2018.06

14) Team Member, “Mutual Growth and Mutual Promotion” between Campus Landscape and University Culture—Waterfront Landscape of Tsinghua University, 2016.01~2018.12

15) Team Member, Research on Campus Cultural Environment under Global Strategy, 2021.10~2021.12

16) Team Member, The General Urban Design of Tianjin Binhai New Area, 2007.11-2010.12

17) Team Member, Urban Regeneration of the Dashila Area of the Old City Center of Beijing, 2004-2006



§   Books

1) Jinxi CHEN, editor & translator. Urban Design as Craft. By Vittorio Lampugnani[M]. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2021.

2) Jinxi CHEN. University Campuses in Beijing[M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2014.08.

3) Wenyi ZHU, Jinxi CHEN, Zhen QIN. Discourse on the Contemporary Architecture of China[M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2007.

4) Wenyi ZHU, Jingru TENG, Jinxi CHEN. China Campus Guide: Tsinghua University[M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2011.

5) Wenyi ZHU, He HUANG, Yulin CHEN, Jinxi CHEN. GAETA-UN 100: Design UN Special Days Museum[M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2006.

6) Jinxi CHEN, Jin SHANG, translator. The AMERICAN VITRUVIUS: An Architects’s Handbook of Urban Design. By Werner Hegemann, Elbert Peets[M]. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2022.

§   Journal Articles

1) Jinxi CHEN*, Case Study of Urban Design Practice Based on the Composition of Urban Space Typologies[J]. Architect, 2018195(5)56-62.

2) Jinxi CHEN*, A Study on Aldo Rossi’s Influence on the Contemporary Swiss Urban Architecture[J].  Architect, 2018191(1)47-57.

3) Jinxi CHEN*, Large Class Enrollment Oriented Teaching of the First Year Architectural Design Basics[J]. Architectural Journal, 2020621(07)80-84.

4) Jinxi CHEN*, Zeyang LIU, A Study on the Change of the Recent Discipline Focuses of Foreign Architectural Schools[J]. Architectural Journal, 2017585(06)94-100.

5) Jinxi CHEN*, “Space Unit” Design Based on Daily-Life Experience[J]. Tsinghua Journal of Education, 201940(Suppl)40-45.

6) Jinxi CHEN*, A Study on the Early Campus Planning of Tsinghua University[J]. Architectural Journal, 2009(z1)115-114.

7) Jinxi CHEN*, A Review of the Critical Development of Western Urban Design Theory in the 20th Century[J]. Archi-Creation, 2015186(05)218-222.

8) Jinxi CHEN*, Space and Public Realm: Transforming Beijing[J]. Revista Materia Arquitectura #2, 2010244-51.

9) Jinxi CHEN*, The Centre Reigns Supreme: How a Polycentric Urban Plan for Beijing Was Lost[J]. The Global Urbanist, 2012(7).

10) Wenyi ZHU*, Jinxi CHEN, The Sixty Years of the Chinese Architecture since 1949[J]. Architectural Journal, 2009(10)1-4.

11) Jinxi CHEN*, The “Old Brand Shop” Space in the Contemporary City of Beijing[J]. Beijing Planning Review, 2007109(4)174-178.

12) Jinxi CHEN*, Culture Making in the City of Hangzhou[J]. Beijing Planning Review, 2006(2)20-23.

13) Jinxi CHEN*, Jing ZHOU, Christian Kerez, It was the High-Rise Buildings that Brought Me to China[J]. EL Croquis(Chinese version), 20161(182)2-15.

14) Jinxi CHEN, Shaoning YAN, translator. Holistic Phenomenological Method of Architecture -- Taking the Residential Area of “Maagan Michael Collective Farm” in Israel as an Example. By Nelly Botugari*[J]. Urban design, 2015(01)54-61.

15) Jinxi CHEN*, The First Year Architectural Design Teaching Based on the Theory of Embodied Cognition[C]//. Essays from the Annual National Architectural Education Meeting of 2020-2021 / Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press2021.10427-431.

16) Jinxi CHEN*, From Space Cognition to Primitive Design–Teaching of the First-Year Design Studio Facing the Large Class Enrollment of Students Major in Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Design[C]//. Essays from the Annual National Architectural Education Meeting of 2019. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press2019.1051-55.

17) Jinxi CHEN*, Liaohui GUO, Building an Idea of Space and construction through 1:20 Case Model Making--Tsinghua First Year Model-Making Workshop[C]//. Essays from the Annual National Architecture Education Meeting of 2018. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press2018.11116-120.

18) Jinxi CHEN*, The Approaches of Abstract Operation and Embodied Cognition in the Teaching of the Architectural Design Basics--An Exploration of the First Studio Teaching in Tsinghua[C]//. Essays from the Annual National Architecture Education Meeting of 2017. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press2017.11492-496.

19) Jinxi CHEN*, Cooperation under Competition--Relationship between American University Campus and Surrounding Environment and Its Reference to China[C]//. Essays from the National Doctoral Forum. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press2009.1099-104.

[Holding Conference & Conference Report]

1) 2022-1-7 to 2022-1-8, Seminar on Local Urban Architecture Research and Teaching, School of Architecture, Tsinghua Univ. (online), Department of Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua Univ., Jinxi CHEN (Hold an Academic Conference)

2) Jinxi CHEN, Exploration of Architectural Design Teaching Based on the Combination of Local Urban Street Elements. Seminar on Local Urban Architecture Research and Teaching, Beijing, 2022-1-7 to 2022-1-8(Conference Report)

3) Jinxi CHEN, The First Year Architectural Design Teaching Based on the Theory of Embodied Cognition. Annual National Architectural Education Meeting of 2020-2021, Harbin, 2021-10-22 to 2021-10-24(Conference Report)

4) Jinxi CHEN, From Space Cognition to Primary Design--Teaching of the First-Year Design Studio Facing the Large Class Enrollment of Students Major in Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Design. Annual National Architectural Education Meeting of 2019, Zhengzhou, 2019-9-27 to 2019-9-29(Conference Keynote Report)

5) Jinxi CHEN, Building an Idea of Space and construction through 1:20 Case Model Making--Tsinghua First Year Model-Making Workshop. Annual National Architecture Education Meeting of 2018, Guangzhou, 2018-11-23 to 2018-11-25(Conference Report)

6) Jinxi CHEN, Approaching from “My Daily Life” --Thinking and Reflecting the Teaching Method of the First-year Architectural Design. Seminar on “Bauhaus and the Teaching of Architectural Design Basics”, Shanghai, 2019-11-01(Conference Report)

7) Jinxi Chen, Sanlihe Area and the Beijing City Fabric in the 1950s. Design Future Cities: Sustainable Urban Development and Transformation of City Structures, Beijing, 2016-9-12 to 2016-9-16. (Conference Report)

8) Jinxi Chen, Study on the Influence of Beijing Master Plans on the Distribution of University Campuses, Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, 2012-2-24 to 2012-2-25 (Conference Report)

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